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Primary device in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2024-04-08Updated:2024-04-08
Similar words: memory deviceprimary serviceprimary dataprimary dysmenorrheasafety devicedisplay devicesafety devicesprimary market
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1 The mouse is the primary device for entering information into the computer.
2 It may be a primary device in terms of time spent on it, but we expect people to have other computers too," he said when asked about more powerful editing software not being able to run on Chrome OS.
3 The company sells on commission the electronic primary device reasonable price, dependable quality.
4 If i try to make my TV my primary device, system hangs , but extended monitor output works fine.
5 Object simulator is the primary device for designing torpedo homing system.
6 The secondary devices provide support for the primary device when the primary device is unavailable.
7 Its hardware partial difficulties lie in the primary device the choice, the layout and the welding.
8 Band type cutting machine is a primary device in clothes-making and knitting etc. industries, used for cutting a wide range of knitting materials.
9 This paper briefly introduces sonic latest technology and equipments dealing with invalidation of electronic primary device.
10 This paper briefly introduces some latest technology and equipments dealing with invalidation of electronic primary device.
11 Now the mobile phone is on course to replace the PC as the primary device for getting online.
More similar words: memory deviceprimary serviceprimary dataprimary dysmenorrheasafety devicedisplay devicesafety devicesprimary marketprimaryprimary beneficiaryprimary areaprimary careprimary taskprimary keyprimary airopen primaryprimary toothprimary routeprimary riskprimary coilprimary cellprimary groupprimary forestprimary indexprimary inputprimary sourceclosed primaryprimary schoolprimary elementprimary winding
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